Size Down, Level Up!
Struggling to shed those unwanted pounds and achieve your dream body? At Kuurus, we understand the desire to look and feel your best. Our results-oriented programs go beyond fad diets. We create personalized plans that combine proven weight loss strategies with expert guidance to help you achieve a slimmer, more sculpted you.

Inspired by Her Transformation?
When you choose Kuurus…
Expert-Led Programs
Break Free from the Cycle of Quick Fixes
Embrace Confidence in Your Skin
Break Free from the Cycle of Quick Fixes
Transform Your Look Through..
Thorough Health Screening
Personalized Treatment Plans
Lifestyle Modification Programs
Weight Loss Medications
Bariatric Surgery
Intra-Gastric Balloons
Psychological Support
Free Consultation

Body Composition Analysis

Ongoing Support

See and Feel the Transformation
Head-Turning Confidence
Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases
Unleash Your Power
Defy Your Limits
Fuel Up With Joy
Live for Them
Our Tailored Packages
Essential Health Boost Package
Doctor Consultation
Vitals Check
Body Composition Analysis
Basic Screening Blood Test
Health & Fitness Kickstart Package
Doctor Consultation
Fitness Sessions
Physiotherapy Session
Customized Treatment Plan
Counselling Session
Body Mass Analysis (BMA)
Ultimate Life Transformation Plan
Specialist Consultations
Medication Package (worth RM4K)
Customized Treatment Plan
Nutritionist Consultations
Counselling Sessions
Physiotherapy Sessions
Fitness Sessions
HIFU Session
Spa Sessions
Allurion Swallowable Balloon Package
Consultation with Bariatric Surgeon
Procedure & Medication
Nutrition Plan
Specialist Follow-Up
Spatz Adjustable Balloon Package
Consultation with Bariatric Surgeon
Procedure & Medication
Endoscopic & Daycare Charges Included
Nutrition Plan
Follow Up Session
Comprehensive Bariatric Surgery Package
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Dietician Consultation
Overnight Hospital Stay
All-Inclusive Medical Charges
Ready to take control?
Ready to take control?

We Offer

Financing options
Convenient locations
Trusted by Malaysians

Financing options

Convenient locations

Trusted by Malaysians
Our Experts

Dato Dr Anitha Haniffa

Prof Dato Dr Ikram Shah Ismail

Prof Dato Dr Nik Ritza Kosai

Prof Dr Mohamad
Hussain Habil

Dr Shashi Gopalan Marimuthu

Dr Khairil Anwar Bin
Ahmad Hanif

Mr Thomas Lai Min Shin

Dr Pabrinder Kaur

Dr Surendran Selvanayagam

Associate Professor
Sharon Lilian How

Dr Aiesha Asmadi

Mr Mah Kit Mah

Dr Wan Syazli

Ms Susan Chong
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the side effects after balloon insertion?
Will I still feel hungry?
How many days should I rest?
Can I do exercise after the treatment?
Will I have constipation after surgery?
How much weight am I expected to lose after the balloon?

My family are shocked with my transformation with just 9kg weight loss. Hope to lose more!! Stay focused, eat healthy and exercise more.

Struggling with weight loss all my life! Its not a shortcut but a good kickstart for me!

The results have been nothing short of amazing. In just three weeks, I have lost over 7kg, which was unimaginable to me before this procedure. The weight loss balloon has truly transformed my approach to eating and has significantly accelerated my weight loss journey.

Getting a gastric balloon was the best thing that I’ve had happen to me health-wise . In just four weeks, I lost 7.5kg and I feel better overall physically and mentally. The procedure was quick and painless, adding to that the support from the medical team was outstanding. The balloon helped me control my portions and develop healthier habits. My confidence and overall health have improved dramatically.

The results have been fantastic; I lost 10 kilograms in three weeks, and my diabetes and blood pressure are now well under control. I am very grateful to Avenue Specialist Clinic and MAHSA Specialist Hospital for their exceptional service.
Saujana Putra

Post 1 month ballon da turun 6kg. Super happy sebab nak buat workout pun senang, tumit tak sakit macam dulu. Health wise, I’m feeling better overall
Kota Kinabalu

Mula2 Rasa sangat tak selesa… Rasa mual… Rasa menyesal… Tapi Bila dh ok… Boleh Makan Dan buat aktiviti macam biasa Rasa seronok… Sebab dah tak boleh Makan Banyak… Perut jd sebu … Balloon terbaik
Kota Kinabalu

Selepas consult dengan Dato Dr Anitha, sebagai pakar bariatric , bersama Dr Aiesha sebgai medical fitness consultant yang membantu saya dalam melakukan senaman ringan dan untuk menguatkan otot kaki kiri ( Chronic acl of the left knee ), dan nutritinist Kit Mah yang guide saya dalam pemakanan dan pengambilan supplement. Telah membantu saya hilang almost 11kg lebih. Berat asal saya sebelum balloon placement adalah 121.6kg. Dan sekarang tinggal 110.4kg.